Wayne Lee is a former five-time Canadian amateur wrestling champion and schoolteacher who had an unrelenting passion for entertaining and empowering people. He took a childhood interest in magic and a fascination with visualization and transformed himself from classroom instructor into a comedic hypnotist and mind-power expert. Wayne found a new way to educate people about the power of the mind by spreading his philosophy that Life is MAGIC™.

Over the years, Wayne has used hypnosis to excite, entertain and mesmerize thousands of audiences across North America. He has performed over 2500 shows, hypnotizing over 25,000 people to explore the limits of their imagination, dance outrageously, and even act as celebrities! Wayne has performed at the highly acclaimed “Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth”, The Calgary Stampede, as well as appeared on numerous national television and radio programs.

As well as entertaining, Wayne educates and empowers audiences with his empowerment presentations and seminars. Through these powerful and engaging presentations, Wayne teaches people to create a magical mindset to produce more health, wealth and happiness in their lives.

Whether an audience engages in Wayne’s hypnosis performance or his powerful presentations, the results are always exciting, entertaining, empowering and something they will never forget.

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